


Home recipes

Only Fresh Ingredients

How fresh ingredients are can play a factor in the taste of food. If a chef is working with old shrimp or chilies, those proteins are going to lose out on their flavor. 

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Mix & Match, Cook as You like

Fresh Pan Mee

Traditional Pan Mee made by hand, single portion vacuum-packed.
(Thick / Thin noodle type options)

Curry Laksa Paste

Homemade curry laksa paste, a concentrated recipe that takes just one soup spoonful to make a flavourful single portion curry laksa soup.

Shrimp Belacan Paste

Homemade shrimp belacan paste, a concentrated recipe that takes just one soup spoonful to pack enough punch for a single portion.

Sambal Belacan Sauce

Homemade sambal belacan sauce
a boost to perfect your meal,
it’s the sour & spicy lover’s choice.

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Easy and tasty home recipes made without any preservatives.

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